Elder Cory Fife was called to serve his Heavenly Father on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints serving in the Macon Georgia Mission. He was injured in a bike accident while serving in Savannah, GA. He has since been able to return to the mission field. He is now in the Tallahassee Florida Mission.
Our Family

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
We are getting really close ! 3 weeks from Thursday! Can you believe it?
Well we will be heading to the airport Thursday May 16th for a 2:05 arrival time! We all can't wait and all the excitement is really getting a little nerve racking here at home. I am still not counting the days yet or I will drive myself crazy. So I just know it is his lasts transfer, I will count the days when we hit Mother's Day , until then he is on his last transfer.
He has grown so much and continues to grow every week , it is just amazing to witness.
Here are a few notes from his last email:
Obedience (me): Yes. I feel that I am living in harmony with the Lord's will as best I am able. I realize that I fall short and make mistakes everyday, but I do my best to repent as soon as I can and then commit to doing better from then on. So far this process has been working and I find myself working with greater enthusiasm each day I wake up!!! I am finding greater joy in life as I live obediently.
Study: This past week in my studies I have continued to learn about the Savior's Atonement and what it means to me personally. I've come to understand that through sincere repentance all of our mistakes can be forgiven. The great thing is that we don't have to wait for the judgement day to receive forgiveness, but we are able to feel it during this life. :) I have noticed that, and reognized more fully, that everything the Savior has done was performed out of a pure love, "charity." As I have pondered this and the importance of my call I came to the conclusion that because I represent Jesus Christ, the only option in my mind is that I MUST "love evrybody as Jesus loves me!" This past week I have been constantly reviewing the past 2 years of my life and what I've learned. The major theme that stands out to me is that as we love our Heavenly Father's children, and just give everything we've got ("leaving it all on the field" as my football coaches would say), my capacity to love grows so much and miracle are performed in front of my face... This increased love for our Father in Heaven's children has caused me to live more grateful for the blessings that I am afforded! I love this gopel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Church: This past week we saw 5 people attend church as a result of our efforts. We had 2 investigators there and the Ward just welcomed them in with such love!!!
General Information: The Lord is just so G.O.O.D. This past week I've seen that as we labor diligently in behalf of our Master He will, without fail, ALWAYS pour out a blessing! I've seen areas that are struggling, and a new missionary comes and strives for exact obedience and miracles happen. It is through our obedience that we become worthy of the Lord's blessings and miracles. Our obedience is a measure of our faith, our trust in the Lord and His appointed servants..."Follow the keys." That was the last thing that I was told by President Bowman. Sure I struggled with accepting the changes @ first, but as soon as I decided to put my full faith'n'trust in you, President Jensen, I beheld miracles performed!!! It truly is amazing, even awe-inspiring to see the Lord's "divine signature" in this work as we are EXACTLY obedient. As we are willingly obedient we are able to qualify for the companionship and protection of the Holy Ghost, and as the world becomes ever more corrupt-we NEED that promised blessing and protection! I know that this is the Lord's work, that He always has His hand in our lives. I know that the Lord called Joseph Smith to be the prophet through whom the fulness of the gospel was restored to the earth in preparation for the second coming of the Messiah. I have seen my testimony grow exponentionally over these past 2 years, and I cannot think of any other way for the last 3 years to have panned out.... I'm evermore grateful for every experience I have had and am having because of the person I see myself becoming. I am so very thankful for the people that the Lord has placed in my life, to influence it for the better...Because of these people I am now able to see my true potential! I LOVE this gospel with all my heart, and I feel sorry for the person that thinks they can take it away form me on account of it AIN'T ever guna happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you mom for the advice... and thanks for the concern for Elder Dattilo! ya know I think he might actually be your favorite of all my companions, evn more than Elder Snow. Elder Dattilo is so much like you and he has helped me to come to better terms with my casualties!!! ;P I am glad to report that he is doing much better now and has, through this trial of his faith, come closer to the Lord! Elder Dattilo is back to the same bright, cheery, bubbly person he was the 1st 3 days he was here. He and I are becoming the best of friends. Life is AWESOME (President Bowman's definition!) and the work here in Mobile is rolling forward with such great haste... It is so exhausting that I find myself taking more breaks, at the command of E. Dattilo... I'm finding that the more I just "shut my mouth, stop arguing, and do what he says" I tend to be happier and have much better days!!! It is also helping me to be more willing and submissive in everything else that is expected, required, or jsut plain axed of me. I am loving life and the man that I'm becoming.....It's incredible to look back and see what all the Lord has been able to do with a 19 yr old that was just stubborn as all git out, and to see how my heart has been softened and that I ain't afraid of being different ("Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out!"). That is a quote that I saw in the YW's room and it's helped me a good bit!
Well that seems like a descent update...hopw you enjoy and that yall are all safe! Know that i lvoe all yall with all my heart and that I miss yall like crazy!
Love Elder Fife
P.S. elder Dattilo is my newest "other mother"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1-This is Elder Dattilo...
2- Utah is the only state on this questionair...... I thought it was funny!
So as you can see he is continuing to grow every week we hear from him. The blessings and miracles continue on thru this journey we have all been on. How grateful we all are for the love, support, many prayers, many fasts, and many kind acts of service we have been blessed to receive from all of you unspoken heros from All over the valley and from all over the globe. We can not thank you enough, but please know how much we love you all and that we pray for you and your families just as you have done for ours. Our families life is forever change because of good people like you who cared enough to reach out and help. We will be forever grateful for you all.
If you can possibly make on May 26th at 1:00pm Elder Fife will be reporting in at the Cobblestone Building on Mill Road just north of 1200 South, right across street from Old Mill Elementary. We would love to have you all there, this mission would never have been completed without all of you and your love, support , and many many many prayers. Please come celebrate with us, it has been a job well done.
Thank you.
We love you with all our hearts.
The Fife family and Elder Fife
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What an incredible journey this has been for Elder Fife and your family. This is all so wonderful to hear! Thanks for the update.